Citizenship Assistance

Becoming a US citizen is a gateway to opportunity for immigrants and refugees, opening doors to public-sector jobs, the eligibility to vote, and the ability to visit one's home country. But for the more than 60,000 Tennesseans who are eligible to naturalize, the path to citizenship is often long, expensive, and complicated. That’s why we assist eligible individuals to become citizens through citizenship classes, eligibility screenings and clinics, and in some cases direct representation. 

TIRRC offers comprehensive citizenship classes to help potential new citizens prepare for the US civics test, a requirement for naturalization which about two out of three US born individuals fail. Our classes feature an interactive instruction model and ample practice opportunities, designed to help students build community while gaining the knowledge to be successful in overcoming this barrier.


Legal Assistance

Our legal department also provides counsel and representation to immigrants who are eligible to apply for their US citizenship. This legal assistance goes hand in hand with our citizenship classes, and leads to enhanced employment and income opportunities for immigrant families.

For naturalization assistance or to enroll in citizenship classes, call (615) 414-1030.