Know Your Rights

No matter the color of our skin, what's in our wallets, or our immigration status, we all have constitutional rights. Read below for more information about your rights when interacting with police or federal immigration agents. For more information, call us at (615) 414-1030.

Note: this is legal information, and does not constitute legal advice.   


Police Stops

    • When police turn on their “blue-lights,” you must pull over

    • Find a safe place to pull over, turn off engine, put hands on steering wheel

    • Wait for the officer to approach you

  • The police officer will ask the driver for the following three things during a traffic stop. You must hand these to the police.

    1. Drivers License

    2. Registration of the vehicle

    3. Car Insurance

    • Stay Calm

    • If you are driving the car, you must show your driver’s license, registration, and insurance. You do not have to give other information.

    • Keep your hands visible and stay in the car unless the officer tells you otherwise.

    • Be polite, even if the police officer isn’t.

    • Let the officer know if you don’t understand English.

    • If you are not the driver of the car, you may ask if you are free to leave.

  • To remain silent

    • You don’t have to give any personal information.

    • You don’t have to answer questions about what happened

    • You don’t have to say ANYTHING about your immigration status (where you were born, how you came to the US, etc)

    To refuse a search

    • If the police ask to search you or your car, you can say NO, though in some situations the police do not need your consent.

    • If police start to search you or your car without asking, say “I do not consent to a search”

    To have a lawyer

  • DON’T LIE. Don’t claim to be a citizen if you aren’t. Don’t give explanations, excuses, or stories - just stay quiet.

    DON'T SIGN any documents that you don't understand.

    DON'T DISCUSS your citizenship or immigration status.

    DON’T RUN or try to drive off. This will cause more trouble and could place you in physical danger.

Immigration Agents

  • Remain Silent:

    • You have the right to remain silent. You can say the following statement to ICE agents

    • “I exercise my right to remain silent under the 5th amendment”

    Document What’s Happening

    • Take pictures or video of what's happening if able to do so. If not, take mental notes.

    • How many agents are there

    • What are they saying/ telling you

    • What type of uniform where they wearing

    • Did they identify themselves

    Make a Plan

    • In case you or a loved one is detained. Have a plan ready for yourself and your family.

    • If detained, tell the agents that you want to speak to your lawyer.

  • DO NOT sign any documents

    DO NOT open the door. Without opening the door, ask the ICE agents if they have an arrest warrant. Ask them to slide it under the door.

    DO NOT carry false documents: having false documents is a federal and state crime