
While Tennessee's vibrant immigrant and refugee population continues to grow,  our families often face numerous barriers when accessing opportunity in our communities. We offer the following resources to help immigrants and refugees overcome obstacles, access opportunities, and become powerful leaders in our community.


english classes

One of the most significant barriers facing millions of immigrants is the lack of language access in our institutions and systems of government. Alongside our advocacy campaigns to advance language justice, we offer three cycles each year of beginner and intermediate English classes to equip community members with the English skills to interact in civic life. Students are given opportunities in the classroom to improve their English through small group activities, classroom discussions and engaging projects. Read more about our innovative English classes.

Citizenship Classes & Naturalization Assistance

Becoming a US citizen is a gateway to opportunity for immigrants and refugees, opening doors to public-sector jobs, the eligibility to vote, and the ability to visit one's home country. But for the more than 60,000 Tennesseans who are eligible to naturalize, the path to citizenship is often long, expensive, and complicated. That’s why we assist eligible individuals to become citizens through citizenship classes, application assistance, and in some cases direct representation. Read more about our citizenship classes and naturalization assistance

Resource Phone Line
(615) 414-1030

Tennessee’s immigrant families often face barriers when accessing critical resources, such as inadequate translated information, complicated systems, and high costs. That’s why we connect our communities to needed resources and information through our statewide resource phone line, staffed by English and Spanish speakers with access to hundreds of additional languages through a language line. To connect to our resource line for information about services and benefits available to you, call or text (615) 414-1030. Read more about our statewide resource line.

know your rights

No matter the color of our skin, what's in our wallets, or our immigration status, we all have constitutional rights. Read more about your rights.