Congregational Membership to TIRRC
We invite you to become a congregational member of TIRRC. Congregational members are faith communities across the state of Tennessee who are committed to advancing immigrant justice and building belonging in our communities.
Congregational membership begins at $100 annually. If your congregation has the means and desire to invest more deeply in our movement, we encourage you to do so.
Why Become a Congregational Member?
Opportunities to Engage
Our congregational members engage in our work in a variety of ways. By becoming a congregational member, you can participate in the coalition in ways that best support your congregation.
Spread Acceptance
Become a voice for change and help create long-term solutions for a welcoming Tennessee where everyone can belong.
Build a Strong Network
Join a diverse network of congregations across the state living out their values to love their neighbor.
Support and join in TIRRC's work in advocating for refugee and immigrant communities in our state.

Perks to congregational membership:
20% discount on event center rentals
One free classroom rental (seats 25 people) per year
First opportunity for pre-sale tickets to the InterNASHional Night Market
3 registrations to TIRRC's annual convention (for immigrant congregants)
Receive quarterly updates from TIRRC + faith specific updates and resources
Have your congregation's name listed on the Belonging Campaign webpage as a supporter
Be a part of the movement and become a congregational member today!
Congregational Membership for TIRRC begins at $100. If your congregation is interested in becoming a member, please fill out the form and a member of our team will contact you shortly!