Our Work

At the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, we are working to transform Tennessee through Organizing & Powerbuilding, Policy Advocacy, Building Belonging, and Immigrant & Refugee Resources.

  • A group of TIRRC organizers with fists raised toward the camera

    Organizing & Powerbuilding

    We conduct widespread statewide outreach and organize our members into local committees that develop individual and collective leadership to fight for social justice and human rights. Once engaged, members develop their leadership through ongoing training opportunities, including political education, dismantling anti-Blackness, civic engagement, power mapping, campaign basics, how to organize, and spokesperson training.

  • TIRRC members on capitol hill with advocacy signs

    Policy Advocacy

    Through community organizing and direct action, legislative advocacy, and strategic communications we are working to: defend communities from deportations and dismantle harsh immigration enforcement systems, defend refugee resettlement and reform our nation’s federal immigration laws, advance economic justice and opportunity, defend workers’ rights, and advance equitable climate justice policies.

  • Two older people making a selection of food at a TIRRC event

    Building Belonging

    To advance a pro-immigrant narrative that counters harmful messages and builds majority support for immigrants, refugees, and a multiracial democracy, we build comprehensive strategic communications campaigns, create opportunities for immigrant and non-immigrant neighbors to come together, and employ tested narrative change strategies that move conflicted Tennesseans towards greater support for our communities.

  • A group of students in an English class

    Immigrant & Refugee Resources

    While Tennessee's vibrant immigrant and refugee population continues to grow, our families often face numerous barriers when accessing opportunity in our communities. We offer resources such as English classes, naturalization assistance, and a statewide resource line to help immigrants and refugees overcome obstacles, access opportunities, and become powerful leaders in our community.