The power of our movement on full display.

Last night, the power of our movement was on full display as over 500 Tennesseans marched to the Capitol to stand against anti-immigrant attacks coming from the Tennessee General Assembly.  From dropping off personal letters to Governor Lee of how anti-immigrant bills would affect their families to chanting in the streets, our members sent a powerful message: Tennessee is our home.

Time and time again, we have seen that when we come together, we build power: in the streets, at the ballot box, and in the legislature. That's why we need you to join us to build a state where everyone can thrive and live with dignity, and we have multiple opportunities for you to join our movement.


  • Sign up to volunteer! 
    Our volunteers are crucial to the success of our work, whether for English and Naturalization Classes, Deep Canvassing, or events.  Click here to sign up on our volunteer interest form.

  • Apply to work with us at TIRRC!
    This year our work is expanding, and so is our team. Check out our website to learn more about our job opportunities and apply! 

  • If you’re a first or second-generation immigrant or refugee, sign up for our annual Membership Convention!
    Every year, immigrants and refugees from across the state come together for our annual membership convention to celebrate our victories and strategize for the year to come. Don’t miss out, and click the link here to sign up!

  • Chip in and fuel our mission!
    Every donation counts towards making our vision of a Tennessee where everyone can thrive a reality. No matter where you are, you can chip in and make a difference in our movement. Click here to donate—we couldn’t do this work successfully without your support.

Yesterday, we showed up and out and made sure our voices were heard. With your support, we will continue to build a Tennessee where everyone has the freedom to thrive—today, tomorrow, and in the years to come.


Our climate, our future.


When we come together, we build power.